Also, there may be some issues accessing his spellbook. special items dropped into the campaign and quested for).

I'd suggest disallowing him to use magic items that are not geared toward ghost use (i.e. The statblocks don't seem to forbid it, but it's best to address the issue. The MM statblocks are unclear how well ghosts and other spirits can interact with the physical world-whether they can move objects or use magic items. I'd allow him to toggle the invisible on/off and get rid of the sunlight sensitivity.įinally, I'd consider halving his PC's normal max hit points to prevent the undead resistances, immunities and other benefits from getting too far out of control. No pesky horrifying visage or possession to worry about but with fun telekinesis (possibly with a bonus mage hand cantrip if he doesn't already have it). You could model it along the lines of a poltergeist specter instead.